Monday, June 2, 2008

Battle: Prince of Persia/ DDR- Supernova 2

First off Battles: Prince of Persia.

Terrible game. When you try to combine Prince of Persia with a tactical just doesn't work. The game is slow moving, and even eventful battles take forever. It's more like FFTA. Which is by FAR a better game. This game I suppose takes place before the other Prince of Persia games. I don't exactly know because Prince of Persia 1 was the only one worth my time, and that one was awesome.

Supernova 2

DDR continues to roxorz ma boxorz with it's latest Supernova 2. Now very new to most, but I get to these things after I've tried them. SN2 has most of the songs that made the other DDRs so fun to play, but like Supernova 1 it lacks some of the original songs (Such as Cartoon Heroes.)

It's still one of my favorite DDR games and worth being picked up.

1 comment:

Persia said...

It doesn't look too good.